Friday, June 8, 2007

First Day in Osaki Elementary School

Yesterday was our first day in Osaki Elementary. After the welcoming ceremony and speeches by the principals, our pupils introduced themselves to their new Japanese friends. The children then played some sports games. This was followed by lunch in the school's meal room. Our pupils had their first taste of what lunch is like in a Japanese elementary school. They had to serve their classmates food and everyone ate the same dishes. After lunch, they had to clear their trays and even flatten their milk boxes for recycling!

A short rest later, our pupils helped the Osaki pupils to clean their classrooms. It was then off to the school hall for some traditional Japanese games. The highlight of the day was the tea ceremony, where our children also got to savour the green tea. The richness was unlike any of the green tea we have experienced before!

1 comment:

Lim Eileen said...

Wow, very interesting! Looks like you all are having a whale of your time!